Greater Austin, TX

Greater Austin Project




Josiah & Jessica Weece

Josiah and Jessica Weece want everyone to experience a real and authentic relationship with Jesus.

Josiah says, “Every person, every place has their own ‘axioms’ — statements and values that they live by that remind everyone else who they are and what they are about. The city of Austin is no different.

In Austin there are axioms like, “Keep Austin Weird,” or Austin as the “Live music capital of the world.” But there is a statement inscribed at the University of Texas that sums up the city pretty well. It says, “What starts here changes the world.”

Since Josiah and Jessica met in high school, they have had a deep desire to share Jesus with as many people as possible, specifically with people that do not yet know him. While Jessica was working as a kids director and Josiah was pursuing becoming a student pastor after college, God showed them how big of an impact a new church can have on a small area. This ignited their passion to do the same. 

Driven by that calling, they moved out to Colorado Springs to be a part of a new church, to serve on staff, and to learn about starting new churches. After several years of gaining experience and allowing God to equip them, they felt called to go to the Austin area to do the same. Ultimately their goal is to fulfill the axiom found at the University of Texas, to start something that could someday help change the world.

“In a city full of people trying to find their own truth, we believe that the truth that everyone is desperate to find is Jesus,” Josiah says. “We want everyone to experience a real and authentic relationship with Jesus.”

Josiah and Jessica are serving to start a church that will be a place for people who have no relationship with Jesus, or perhaps a bad experience with the church. They want to be a congregation that helps to remove obstacles so that people can get to Jesus!