Accelerate Church
Camden NJ
Accelerate Church
Camden NJ
“These people who have turned the world upside down have come...”Acts 17:6
For more than 75 years, Orchard Group has built a strong track record of establishing new churches in cities. Over 95% of our churches flourish in their communities over the long haul: becoming self-governing, sustaining, and multiplying.
“Some plant, others water. And it is God who makes things grow.”1 Corinthians 3:6
As a partner church, you provide the crucial "water" that God uses to bring about growth in new church plants.
And partnering to start a new church helps your church’s mission to multiply beyond its community and out into the world.
“It is my desire to preach the gospel where Christ is not yet known.”Romans 15:20
As a church planter, you’ve been called. You have a burden for a city or neighborhood. You want to see people come to faith in Jesus. You want to start a new church. We can help.