Eden Church

Brandon and Malia Cobb want to be used by God to cultivate the Garden State, or as they like to say, "Until New Jersey looks like New Jerusalem!"
Over several years, Malia and Brandon sensed God's call out of the business world and into church ministry and church planting. Brandon left his corporate career path to pursue ministry, and after three years serving as Executive Pastor at Renaissance Church in Harlem, NYC, the call to plant a new church was renewed. God began opening the doors in 2022 for a new church plant project in Brandon's hometown in nearby Bergen County, NJ.
Brandon is proud to be a native of New Jersey, and with good reason. Bergen County is home to 1 million residents and has been home to some incredibly influential people: Jay-Z and Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Patrick Ewing, Chris Rock, Martha Stewart, and many more. Each year, Bergen County shopping malls draw more visitors than Disney World. Yet, North Jersey is also home to many poor and overlooked people. As socio-economic factors push people from the center city to the outer city, resources to uplift this population have lagged, leaving some families in a cycle of poverty or recidivism.
It is this place of influence and of need that Brandon and Malia are proud to call home, and where they have a vision to establish a new church community. The Bergen County Project will serve those on the "mountaintop" and those in the "valley," working to bridge the gap to new and meaningful life in Jesus. God's unimaginable love, mercy, and justice is for all people of Bergen County: the 'hood heroes, community leaders, techies, and young athletes, as well as the pushed-aside, overlooked, or forgotten. As Brandon and Malia say, "By the power of the Holy Spirit, this new church will connect the Garden State to Jesus Christ, His people, and His purposes!"