DEVO Church

Nate and Michaela Gay believe that God can do extraordinary things through ordinary people. They believe that because it’s their story.
During Nate’s military career, he and Michaela found themselves stationed at Fort Rucker, Alabama, where Nate was in flight training to become a helicopter pilot. It was during this time that God began an extraordinary work through an ordinary person. A coworker of Michaela’s offered a simple invite to a local church, and their lives were forever changed. Ever since that moment, they have devoted their lives to serving God and the local church. After ministry experience and launching new church locations, God began to create a burden in them to reach the lost in new ways. God grew their desire to help people discover their God-given purpose and to develop communities of passion and excitement for Jesus. Since 2020, Nate and Michaela have been in a season of prayer and preparation as they follow the Lord’s leading to Denver, Colorado to plant a new church.
From its very beginning during the gold rush, Denver has been a place where people have flocked searching for opportunity and to gain a fresh start. More than 150 years ago, people came to the area in hopes of a lucky break: to strike gold or to claim land. While what they are looking for today may be different, people still flock to the area. Now they are drawn by the promise of new and better experiences: breathtaking mountains and vibrant urban culture. This unique combination, where the beauty of nature meets the excitement of the city, has made Denver one of the top fastest-growing large cities in the nation. It’s an environment that draws in people seeking something more: more recreation, more for their careers, more for their family, and — at a deeper level — more purpose.
Despite the many opportunities for people to find more, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has identified Denver as one of the most unfulfilled cities in the nation, ranking with high rates of loneliness, anxiety, depression, and drug use. It is a city desperately in need of hope. Although there is a large focus on spirituality, it’s not uncommon to find that Jesus is absent from the conversation. With over two-thirds of the population claiming no affiliation with a church and only one church for every 2300 people, there is great opportunity for new church communities to make a difference in this city! (ARDA)
Nate and Michaela desire to create a community where others can find their people, purpose, and passion. They believe that when the church fully embraces both the beauty and brokenness of a city like Denver, the miraculous can occur. They want to offer to others what they received: an invitation into a new church and into a new life!