Hamburg, Germany

Via Church




Rudi and Mirjam Opoku

Rudi and Mirjam Opoku are working to plant a church that is "on the way of Jesus" — one that invites people from all backgrounds to come, to discover Jesus, and follow His way. Because of this, they calling the church plant "VIA Church," from the Latin for “way." They long to see the power, beauty, and vitality of the Jesus’s gospel unfold in their hometown of Hamburg, Germany. Rudi and Mirjam have a deep desire for the good news to transcend cultural boundaries. With this calling, they have begun monthly gatherings in preparation for a Fall 2024 launch of regular services at the new church plant. 

Rudi studied business and worked for a company in the field of finance. After a call to Christian ministry, he studied theology and received the inspiration, encouragement, and confirmation to plant a church in his hometown of Hamburg. With almost 2 million inhabitants, Hamburg is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. It brings together a wide variety of world views and, like all of Germany, is very secularized and post-Christian. Hamburg is also a multi-ethnic city: approximately 37% of Germans in Hamburg have a “migration background'” coming from regions outside of Germany.

The unchurched, post-Christian, and multiethnic nature of Hamburg mean that the city has great need and great opportunity for new church planting. This has inspired Rudi and Mirjam to start a new church that helps new people to discover the biblical message about Jesus. By God’s grace, VIA Church has already witnessed people being radically transformed, people being reconciled to one another, and people giving their lives to Christ. And God is just getting started!