Beacon Church

It started with a stirring in their hearts.
Calvin and Tara Daly felt God calling them to move in faith to new work, but after a series of closed doors, their future remained unclear.
Later, as Calvin sat praying on a farm in Nicaragua during a missions trip, God opened a door to church planting. Amazingly, some of the others also traveling on the missions trip committed to joining the project!
The New England states remain the least-churched in the U.S., and the Dalys have significant roots there: Tara is a New Hampshire native, and Calvin had worked as a pastor there for a decade. God's provision over the years — family, friendship, and partnerships — were now coming to fruition for the sake of a new church in a region with many people who don't yet know Jesus.
The Dalys are now in Derry, NH, and the pieces are coming together for the launch of Beacon Church. Calvin and Tara want the people of New England to know that in the midst of storms, Jesus is the light, the beacon. With the launch of Beacon Church, more and more people will have the opportunity to encounter this light! As Jesus himself said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)