Community Church

Lou Pizzichillo will lead the Long Island Project with a projected launch in 2020. Lou says, “We believe that when people see God for who He truly is, they’ll find God irresistible. We want the people of Long Island to understand God as a Father who is radically in love with his children and the Savior who will stop at nothing to win their hearts.”
Growing up on Long Island, Lou spent most of his years resisting a god whom he perceived as harsh, judgmental, and angry. It was in college that he was introduced to a radically different view of God, and a spiritual life marked less by guilt and more by grace. After returning home from college, Lou realized that a misunderstanding of God’s nature is prevalent among the average Long Islander.
The dream to plant a church was born.
Long Island, one of the most densely-populated regions of the United States, operates as part of the larger NYC metro area. Yet the island also has its own deeply-rooted history and residents.
On average, the United States has 1 church for every 800 people. On Long Island, there is one church for every 4,300. This area of the country has a great need for dynamic new churches!
Orchard Group is backing Lou, Allie, and the Long Island Project. Join us in reaching this influential, densely populated area!