Refuge Church

Kyle and Joy Costello have always loved seeing God do new things. At the beginning of 2021, they started to wonder if God was calling them to step out and plant a new church, and the more they prayed the more it became obvious that He was leading them to do so in Ojai, California.
Kyle grew up in a mormon home in Utah and Nevada, but while in college at UNLV he was introduced to Joy, who introduced him to Jesus. He came to faith at Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, joining the staff a few years later. As the church grew at an incredible rate, Kyle and Joy began to see God do all kinds of new things in both their lives and the lives of others. From there they moved to Portland, Oregon and trained as church planters at Imago Dei Community Church. After two years there they partnered with Orchard Group and moved to Salt Lake City, where they planted and led a church for nine years before moving over to Mariners Church Huntington Beach, where Kyle served as Lead Pastor.
Once Kyle and Joy began to pray about where God would have them go next, God quickly gave them both an answer in Ojai. Their pasts had led them to fruitful but challenging ministries in the unchurched areas of Las Vegas, Portland, and Salt Lake City, and Ojai fit that same description. Joy shares, “For some reason, God has wired us to love serving in places where the church is small or maybe not even thought of. It's not always easy, but we love it.”
The Ojai Valley is famous for its creativity, beauty, and focus on spirituality, but not for knowing Jesus. It has a mix of local natives, people who moved in from out of the country, and those who relocated from nearby Los Angeles. It sits in a stunning setting that draws in people seeking rest, spiritual fulfillment, and healing in a valley that promises to provide refuge from whatever is ailing them.
Kyle and Joy hope to plant a church that offers them the true rest and refuge that can only be found in Jesus. They believe God is doing something new in Ojai, and they can’t wait to join the story He is telling there.