Redemption Church

Justin and Emilie Anderson moved to San Francisco to plant a church in 2013. Before moving to San Francisco, Justin planted a growing church in Tempe, AZ and successfully transitioned the congregation to the next generation of leaders. Redemption Church was one of the supporting churches for New City Church in Phoenix, planted by Orchard Group in 2011.
Justin Anderson:
San Francisco is a beautiful place to live and work. Yet the city is also a broken place filled with busy people seeking fulfillment and finding identity in everything except the God who created them. As we all do, San Franciscans need Jesus desperately. The numbers tell the story—less than six percent of San Franciscans go to church. There is great need for gospel-centered churches that engage people and reach them in a unique way to take root in the many neighborhoods in San Francisco.
We’re excited to begin doing God’s work in San Francisco. And our work will be guided by one question: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus in San Francisco?