SoFlo Church

Jamie and Alex Snyder walked very different paths, but each one led to God — and, now, to the calling to plant a church in West Palm Beach, Florida. After a season of prayer and deep reflection, the Snyders said "Yes!" to planting a new church in the West Palm community with the vision of leading South Florida, one person at a time, to find and follow Jesus.
Jamie grew up in a one-horse town in Kansas, and his faith developed in a tiny Christian church that has long since closed its doors. Alex, from the much bigger city of Louisville, grew up in one of the largest churches in America; a community still thriving today. Despite their different backgrounds, Jamie and Alex share a deep and infectious love for Jesus and for people, working together in ministry since they met over 15 years ago.
Prior to serving for ten years as Lead Pastor of Lakeside Christian Church, a large, multi-site congregation in Northern Kentucky, Jamie spent four years serving as Lead Pastor of a congregation in Southwest Florida. Those four years in Florida was all the time God needed to permanently etch the people and place in the Snyders' hearts.
For several years they've felt a stirring to do ministry in Florida again, and they recently learned of the incredible need in West Palm. Barna Group recently determined the city to have the highest percentage of people who've never before been part of a church community, ranking it the most "never-churched" community in America. Those words, "never churched" wrecked the Snyders.
Jamie says, "There is so much life and vitality in West Palm and yet so many people there are missing out on the source of life and the reason for living: Jesus." After a season of discovery the Snyder’s realized that not only has God been preparing the way for a new church in West Palm, but He has been preparing them to lead the way.
While Palm Beach County is a place where many people choose to spend a holiday, more than 1.5 million people call it their permanent home, and each year more people move there from all over the world. While the population of West Palm is diverse, the city's many people share a common need for Jesus. There is a need for new, healthy, growing churches in West Palm Beach!